Ladder of Ascent
A Catalyst for Deep Transformation

The Ladder of Ascent is a process described in Damon Brand’s book "Archangels of Magick: Rituals for Prosperity, Healing, Love, Wisdom, Divination, and Success."

But what exactly is it?

This powerful 75-minute recorded live session calls upon ten Archangels to bring specific energies to your question, allowing for deeper insights, awareness, and potential solutions to questions you may not have known you were asking.

I'm an amazing channel for the Archangels (#aintbragginifitstrue), and this particular process, as I offer it, can be truly transformative if you're open to it.

Climbing the Ladder is a highly personal journey that leads you deep within your desires. It sheds light on the essence of your question, allowing a different perspective to emerge.

Life-changing (but in a good way!)

This year, I've worked deeply with the Ladder and witnessed the profound changes in my life and also for those who have received the wisdom of the Ladder process. 

The Archangels are truly wonderful companions, providing gentle and unwavering support. They have a way of revealing exactly what we're prepared to handle. 

This has also proven true for those who have spent three months in the Ladder of Ascent Deep Transformation Container. They meet you where you are and guide you in big-picture, small-step ways.

Is this different than other readings with you?

Yes, and no. LOL (Helpful answer, I know!)


It's different because it's a structured process instead of a free-form "go where the energy takes us" reading. We follow the Ladder of Ascent to connect with the Archangels, moving up in vibration and energy with each rung of the Ladder. The Archangels build on the wisdom that came before to give you deeper insight and guidance.

At the top rung is Metatron, who sends everything out into the Universal energies so that you receive the transformation you asked for. (You will need to do your part, of course!)

As with all my readings, it's like dancing on air for me —I speak the language of the Archangels and know how to express it in a practical, down-to-earth way.  That part won't change, just the way we connect is different.

You may find it intense depending on how easily you can navigate the higher frequencies. Just drink a good bit of water 24 hours before our call, and you'll be fine. 

Why you, Lisa?

I'm my own guinea pig when it comes to these things, and I've done more than twenty separate Ladders for myself alone. I've filled two notebooks of wisdom and guidance from the sessions and have seen my life change in big ways as a result. 

Not only that, but I've done well over twenty live and written ladders for clients and the feedback has been amazing! Working with the Archangels has boosted my channeling abilities to a new level, and this process has been like rocket fuel for those who tap into it.

“Wow… This session blew my socks off! Gem after gem after absolute gem. So much gold! I’m still processing it all. And what I love most about it is that it’s not fluffy but practical and actionable. And powerful. It feels wonderful to hang out in the realms where you feel truly seen and loved unconditionally. 

Thank you, Lisa. You’re a total star at this and obviously in your element with the Archangel work. Where do I sign up for a subscription?"

Esther Lemmens
All the important details


One 75-minute Ladder of Ascent live session to receive clarity, guidance, and next steps.

Recording of the call along with a written summary and action steps.

Five Days of Voxer access after your call to get clarification, ask a question, or check-in for support.



Grab the discounted 45-minute session! We'll make sense of ALL the information in your Ladder Session and create a roadmap for the next few months! (you can snag it on this same page!)

Consider the three-month Ladder of Ascent Container! You've got me by your side as you dive deep into the Ladder guidance!

The Ladder of Ascent Session best suits those already doing transformative work who desire change quickly.  
You must act on the guidance to see deep transformation rather than simply receive the information. #noshade

I used to take in all the information and wonder why nothing changed. I mean, I knew it, right? Isn't that enough?

Nope. And especially nope for this transformative work. 

All the guidance in the world won't help if you don't act on it. Period.

If you like to receive information but not act, this isn't the process for you. #noshadeagain 

Consider this your invitation to 

deep and lasting change! 

Ladder of Ascent Reading$297

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The Roadmap for Your Next Steps! Just $100!

Let's dig into your Ladder side-by-side! 

So much wisdom comes through in a Ladder session that it's hard to know where to start!

This 45-minute post-ladder call is where the extra magic happens! We'll review what came through and pinpoint the next steps that emerged. 

Plus, I'll show you how to work with the information long-term so you see the change you desire! 


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  • Total payment
  • 1xLadder of Ascent Reading$297

All prices in USD

Your friendly neighborhood WooWoo chick

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Lisa. Of the many things I am (writer, teacher, goofball), the most important and precious to me is that I am a channel for the Divine- a messenger if you will.

 For over 20 years, I’ve worked with Angels, other Divine Beings, and since 2016, Prince (yes, THAT Prince). I know an intuitive nudge when I get it and always act on it, even if it makes no damn sense to me at the time. (Especially if it makes NO sense, that's a sign I need to act on it even faster!)  

I will always encourage you to step into YOUR own knowing and power so you trust it 100%. 


"Providing the clarity I couldn't get to on my own."

"I’d been facing a conundrum for months that I couldn’t resolve alone. Through Lisa’s magnificent LADDERS channeling, the collection of wise Archangels helped me step back to see a greater perspective, ultimately bringing the clarity I couldn’t get to on my own. Their divine inspiration pushed me forward to where I am no longer stuck in muddy energy, and I’m moving forward at last! Boy, does it feel good!  

There is nothing quite like basking in the loving and supportive energy of these powerful angelic beings who only wish to help us along our path to higher consciousness and a better, more purposeful life here on earth. Thank you, Archangels. Thank you, Prince. Thank you, Lisa. Deep bow.